New Provisions Weaken Home-Sharing Ordinance

Progress has certainly been made toward creating regulations on short-term rentals in Los Angeles.  Today, the City Planning Commission reviewed a draft ordinance.

Overall, the ordinance does a great job of addressing some big areas of concern.  Unfortunately, today the Commission made some changes that significantly weakens the draft before them.

 First, they raised the cap on the number of days a host can rent their primary residence from the 120 that was proposed, to 180.  120 were already problematic.  But, a cap of 180, half of the year, essentially legalizes hotels in residential neighborhoods.  This cap is a big worry for neighborhoods that have been heavily impacted--with noise, parking, and public safety issues--due to short-term rentals.

This will dramatically weaken the ordinance and provide little, if no, relief to residents all over the city.

Additionally, a cap this large will significantly economically incentivize short-term rentals over long-term rentals, further impacting the housing market.

The Commission also decided to include a provision for vacation homes to allow short-term rentals up to 15 days.  While this may not sound like a lot, allowing vacation rentals will open the door to continued abuse and lead to the loss of more rental housing.

KNF plans on fighting hard in coming weeks to educate the City Council about our concerns.  The ordinance will soon come to the City Council for review.  We will need you again, so keep an eye out for updates and calls to action.


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  • Keep Neighborhoods First Team
    published this page in Blog 2016-06-24 12:04:30 -0700
