New Short-Term Rental Ordinance

We believe 2016 will be the year that Los Angeles adopts new policies regulating short-term rentals, per the proposed Los Angeles City Council Motions: Short-Term Rentals/Preparation of Ordinance (Council File: 14-1635S2).

In 2015 we were successful in bringing people from all over Los Angeles concerned about the impact of short-term rentals together as one voice.  

We have shed light on the impact of short-term rentals and really become the voice of residents on this issue.

We are hopeful that the final regulations will include protections for our communities and preservation of long-term housing at all levels, including the most vulnerable rent stabilized and affordable housing. 

Virtually every other jurisdiction that has enacted STR regulations is finding them almost impossible to enforce. We are hopeful that Los Angeles will learn from these errors and omissions and adopt an enforceable ordinance that can be a model for other cities.

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