To our Friends & Supporters,
As you are probably aware, the Department of City Planning will release their report regarding short-term rentals any day now. It is imperative that we keep beating the drum, and make sure that the City Council hears what we want and need on this issue!
Over the past few months, KNF has been working hard to educate City Hall about the need to protect the RSO housing in our neighborhoods. We have met with every single City Council office, and told them the stories about how vulnerable tenants are being unlawfully evicted just to have their building converted into short-term rentals. Families are out on the streets, and landlords are cashing in. This needs to stop. We have been working closely with some of the biggest affordable housing non-profits in Los Angeles to push the needle forward on this issue – Coalition for Economic Survival (CES), SAJE, Thai Community Development Center, POWER, and Venice Community Housing to name a few. They have sent letters urging City Council to protect L.A.’s already limited affordable housing stock and prohibit the short-term rental of RSO units. Read letters from CES, Thai Community Development Center, and SAJE.
We have also been successful in pushing our message in the local media with Op-Eds in the Daily News and the Argonaut newspapers.
Although we have made much progress, there is still a lot of important work left to be done. Thank you for your support, and we will be in touch soon with information about how you can participate in the next round of public hearings.
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